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Efficient mash filter operation relies upon using fine grist but it must be properly sized, it’s not “flour.” The Aegir Mill does just that while offering several other advantages at the same time:

  • Ventilation of the milling chamber and grist case to minimize temperature rise in the milled grain and to increase the through-put rate and reduce the time the grist spends in the milling chamber.

  • A dust collector with automated back-flushing that returns grist captured on the filter to the grist bin minimizing waste and escape to the atmosphere..

  • A VFD on the mill motor that allows the speed of the mill hammers to be reduced for use with more friable grains, e.g., roasted malts.

  • A rotary gate valve that feeds grain into the mill at a controlled rate determined by the load on the mill motor preventing an overload situation.

  • The hammermill and grist case are maintained at slightly negative pressure during the milling operation resulting in a vitually dust-free environment around the mill operation (and eliminating the need for a separate mill room where allowed by local regulations.

  • In the unlikely event of an explosion in the hammermill/grist case, an over-pressure panel ruptures venting the force and heat outside the building or into a “flame-quench” unit mounted to the grist case.

  • The hammermill we use is industrial grade – very durable, very low maintenance, and screens are easily changed if necessary.

About 90% of the breweries that have an Aegir brewhouse, also have an Aegir Mill. In addition to all the benefits listed above, the Aegir Mill can be integrated into the Aegir Insight control system and linked to the brewhouse for smooth, trouble-free operation. If using a grain silo, mounting the grain bin on load cells allows automated filling of the grain bin with your base malt, controlled by the Insight control system.

If a smaller footprint is required, the grain bin can be positioned about the hammermill/grist case.

During commissioning, Aegir will work with you to optimize the particle size distribution for the grains you are using.

© 2024 Aegir Brewing Systems

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